If you live in Los Angeles, you can drive for one or two hours on the weekend to nearby Palm Springs for a casual stroll and relaxation. It's really pleasant! After just spending less than a day there, we have developed a strong interest in this desert oasis!
Palm Springs is a long and narrow city nestled between mountains and water. The city isn't too big, so you can explore it and enjoy some delicious food in about half a day.
🍴What to eat
We recommend going to Farm restaurant for brunch. The food is really tasty, cheap, and the environment is great!
📷Photo spots
Just wandering around downtown, every street is very picturesque. After having a meal, you can come here for a stroll, treat it as a leisurely walk~Let's go.
💡Forever Marilyn
This place has a huge Marilyn Monroe sculpture! Basically, every tourist will take a photo with Marilyn here. Behind the Marilyn sculpture, there are two rows of palm trees, which also make for great pictures~
💡Cabazon Dinosaurs
There are super-sized dinosaur sculptures here. Just take a photo and check it off your list, there's nothing particularly impressive to see~
💡Winged graffiti wall
This attraction is on the opposite side of the street from the Marilyn Monroe sculpture, inside a pedestrian street. You'll need to cross the street from the sculpture and turn right after crossing to see it~
Views: 754
Ideas: Palm Springs, California, canyons, Scenic spots
Blog ID: 51686
Location: United States / California / Palm Springs
Channels: Fun Places, Travel
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