The Christmas decorations are up and everyone is excited for the holiday season to begin. The streets are lined with Christmas trees, lights, and festive music playing in the background. Yesterday I went to Niagara Falls and today after waking up to a blanket of snow everywhere I decided to go skiing.
My first time going into Winter Village was so cold! They had stands selling hats and scarves that I couldn't resist buying one. After that I tried a warm waffle which was so delicious!
Not a big fan of winter but love the atmosphere during this time of year with candles, carols, smells of sweet treats and everyone's anticipation for the new year...At night when all the lights come on it just adds more warmth to an already wintery day in Toronto.
Views: 712
Ideas: White Christmas, Christmas, skiing, fireworks, mississauga, Toronto life, Christmas place, Christmas market, Christmas tree layout,winter village
Blog ID: 53036
Location: United States / California
Channels: Fun Places, Travel, My Story
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